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Financial Wellness

Financial wellness is just as important as physical wellness, but many people don’t have the proper resources to be financially well. At Honda FCU, we want to equip you with the best tools, resources and counseling to achieve financial success.

Learn more about topics such as money basics, buying a home, loans, debt repayment, paying for college and retirement planning in our Enrich Learning Hub.

Enrich learning hub

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need financial advice?

Reach out to us with your financial question or problem and we’ll pair you with an expert in the subject. Whether you need help with retirement planning, building your credit score, buying a home or another financial topic, we’re here to help. Complete the confidential consultation questionnaire and we’ll get back to you within 72 business hours.

Request Consultation

How to Plan and Save for Major Expenses

Tax Day is just around the corner! Since you’re already looking at your finances, this makes it the perfect time to review your statements and update your spending plans for any major expenditures in your future.

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